To use up some of the huge bunch of silverbeet, I made this recipe which came from the clever ladies at Tomatoes for Breakfast
~Silverbeet & Chickpeas with Chorizo~
2 chorizo sausages sliced (or 4 rashers bacon)
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tin tomatoes, crushed
1 tsp mixed dried herbs
1 tin chickpeas, drained
1/2 tsp sugar
about 6 stems of silverbeet, stalks removed and shredded (or 3 stems, leaves shredded and stems finely diced)
Heat a heavy based pan and fry off chorizo over low-med heat, until crispy. Remove and rest.
Add onion and cook till soft and golden, then add garlic and cook a bit longer. (At this point add silverbeet stalks if using, and cook a little longer.) Stir through paprika and allow to fry off until fragrant.
Add all ingredients except silverbeet leaves, and simmer until it thickens.
Add silverbeet and stir through until wilted, then add back in the chorizo or bacon. Serve with toasted pide or fresh crusty bread.
It was delicious! The fussiest son, number 3, only really ate the chick peas which he picked out of the dish. The other 2 ate it all, but 1 thought the chorizo was a bit spicy. I did use the stems, but it did not really use enough of my big bunch of silverbeet. I think this recipe could have used a bit more. I think I will investigate a silverbeet soup next.